50th Golden Jubilee Year


This year in 2022, we are entering in the 50th Year of useful service to the Steel Industry. Our Association known as Steel Manufacturers Association of Maharashtra was formed in 1972 with Objective to promote the steel industry in Maharashtra to obtain the legitimate rights for steel Industry and makes all possible efforts to ensure smooth functioning of Steel industry in Maharashtra in particular and the country in general. We are also trying to raise and voice the grievances of Steel Industry in Maharashtra to The various Authorities with the State as well as Central Government. Our Members manufactures various categories of steel such as Rounds, T.M.T. Bars, C.T.D Bars, Tor Steel Bars, Angles, Channels, Beams, Squares, Flats, Bailing Hoops, Gate channel, Window Sections, Octagons etc, In mild steel as well as special Steel.

Our Activities
